The Evolution of Social Media and Its Effects on the Society

 Orisatoye Aminat
Photo  Credit: Inspira Marketing

 Social Media refers to a group of internet-based platforms that allow people to create and share content, and to interact with each other online. Examples of social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. The use of social media is diverse from communication and networking to marketing It has transformed the way people interact with each other.

   The evolution of social media can be traced back to the early days of the internet in the 1990s with the advent of platforms like Six, Classmates, and Friendster allowing users to create profiles, connect with friends, etc. Due to their limited function, they did not gain widespread. Many of them shut down over the years.

“From the early days of MySpace to the rise of TikTok, the evolution has been revolutionary. The power of social media and the rise of digital marketing have reshaped how brands engage with their audience, those that are tapping into the digital landscape without a doubt have an upper hand.” – Alexa Sorensen, Digital Marketing Specialist, Inspira Marketing 

   Social media started gaining popularity when LinkedIn and Facebook came on board. Other Social media like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Thread, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc was also established. There are now dating Social Media platforms where two people can meet and chat.

Users can share news articles, educational content, and personal experiences with a wide audience contributing to the spread of knowledge. Platforms like YouTube offers tutorial, lectures, etc on various topics allowing users to acquire skills and knowledge even while in their rooms.

Social media platforms serve as a medium for promoting products/services with captivating content. This can increase the visibility of the business, attract potential customers, and drive sales. 

   Social media is a unique and dynamic medium that has become part of our daily lives. It has changed the way we share and consume data. In the past, people relied on traditional means of sharing and receiving information through newspapers, magazines, radio, even town criers, etc But today, people now get information online just with a data connection. Social media platforms serve as a store to advertise business you don't have to open a physical shop before you sell your product.

  The use of Social media also has negative influences on the society. It has become an avenue for spreading fake news, for example, people are now made to believe that the immunization vaccine aims to kill. Another example is during an election period, people use social media platforms to share unverified or unconfirmed information about an event or a person, which may damage the person's reputation. Meanwhile, these sets of social media users use this medium to gain fame on social media. 

"How different would people act if they couldn't show off on social media? Would they still do it?" — Donna Lynn Hope
This quote about social media shows that people now make use of social media to brag about their accomplishments and show off what they've gotten. 

  Furthermore, social media is time-consuming. Many users find themselves spending an excessive amount of time scrolling through other people's pages online, checking feedback, and engaging themselves in non-educative or immoral discussions.

The future of social media is uncertain, but, it will keep on evolving as technology keeps developing everywhere from time to time.


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