Students Should Work Hard, and Pray — OAU Nursing Best Graduating Student, Olatunde Nafisat

Abdulbasit Abdulkareem 

 What are the challenges you faced as a student?

In the beginning, there was a challenge of time management. Combining work, personal commitments, and family responsibility with schooling, this became a great burden to manage within 24 hours. In fact, my first examination in the program was written a day after the naming ceremony of my second child.
Financial Management was also a challenge. Living expenses, children’s school fees together with my school fees, and other financial expenses. I had decided to quit several times due to financial constraints but with the help of God, friends, and families I was able to achieve my dream. To be sincere, the nursing program is not for low-income earners.
During the program, the course workload became an issue. Unlike other schools, the course materials together with video presentations were so much that my brain could barely comprehend anything after having tiring sessions at work but I had to get used to it. Sometimes, new materials were added a week or less to the examination periods. The overloading was crazy.
Workplace Challenge was also among the challenges that almost took me out of the program. There were a lot of hardships I went through before study leaves were granted. I had to sacrifice my time doing overtime to get leaves approved and this was a routine almost throughout the program. Sometimes, it was leaves without payment. No employer likes granting study leaves except a few.
Also, OAU changes its academic calendar at will which often makes it difficult to apply for leave and disrupts duty rosters as there is always a need to reschedule already approved leaves.

 Did you maintain a high CGPA from your first year?

 Yes, my first-year CGPA was 4.63

What were your best and lowest moments as a student?

Every moment is best. The lowest was when I got a grade C in a course where I was expecting an A but it didn't take long before I got over it as I believe that what is meant for me will never miss me.

What's your advice to students aiming to achieve this feat of academic excellence?

They should work hard, attend lectures judiciously, do their assignments and other class activities well and they should also pray fervently as efforts are crowned by Allah alone.

What will you miss about OAU?

I will also miss my colleagues.

Who do you wish to appreciate for making this feat attainable?

My parents, Mr. and Mrs. Olatunde, my siblings, my ever-supportive husband Mr. Kolade Muideen, and children Abdur-Rahman and Hameedah for always being there for me.  Also, I will be ungrateful if I do not appreciate my father and mentor Sheikh Isa Akindele Solahudeen, and my brother Barrister Rasheed Atta for their encouragement.


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