Edibles for Votes: A Growing Norm Among SU DOSocials Aspirants

It's a common culture during elections for candidates to go all out, enticing voters to support them. In the Great Ife community, this behavior is now getting rampant specifically when it involves the offices related to the Central Executive Council.

A growing concern, most especially among those vying for the post of Director of Socials and Culture, is the trend of sharing edibles and other stuffs to draw students closer to themselves, in order to make them support their political ambitions.

Reports in the past indicated how candidates made use of foods, commonly snacks, to draw the loyalty of students in achieving their political ambition. Inquiring from the 2022/23 Students' Union Election, it was reported that certain people who voted a particular candidate did that, just because the candidate shared 'As E dey hot' among them. Moreover, it can't be ascertained factually if the candidate in question won the election through that strategy, even though he won.

However, on Monday, 17th June, 2024, students woke up to the trend of this sharing saga adopted by a candidate vying for a post in the Students' Union CEC. The viral message which included the name of the candidate, turned to be from the camp of an aspirant for the post of Director of Socials and Culture.

Meanwhile, reports indicated that the candidate who contested for the same position in the previous election followed the same strategy. 

Is it a coincidence that this same thing is being repeated? Should it be a norm for candidates in turning this mode of campaign into a generational one? 

Well, it's important that students vote those who are responsible and can lead them, not into frustration, rather than voting for those who have gifted them and would later be collecting them back their gifts in form of payment for events and parties.

While these practices might provide immediate benefits, they undermine the integrity of the electoral process. It's time for students to look beyond campaign tactics and vote for candidates who demonstrate theie genuine commitment and vision. The future of the Students' Union depends on the kind of candidates whom students are willing to elect.

By choosing leaders based on merit, and material inducement, Students will see to having an accountable Students' Union leaders and have a effective Students' Union. Additionally, students should focus on the substantive qualities that make their candidates truly worthy of their votes.


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