Mysterious Instagram Handle Bullies OAU Ladies Sexually
Peter Oyebanji
"ThedrumsexofOAU," a mysterious Instagram handle that became active on Sunday, 26th of May, sexualy bulied OAU Ladies on Instagram.
The hadle, which followers boosted from less than 400 to over 1000 in just a few hours bullied 4 ladies and threatened to reveal more. The handle promised to reveal the male folks too on the long run. OAU Kilonshele gathered that the main aim of this handle was to restore dignity back to the campus through sexual bullying.
The first victim of the handle was a lady (details withheld), who it accused of sleeping with men under the guise of being an artist. The 2nd victim was accused of being a bisexual and a sexist machine. "She could sleep with dogs," the handle tagged the lady's picture. The 3rd victim who was said to be a business owner was also accused of being a veteran in the sexual aspect. The 4th victim, who was the last that was posted on that handle before it became inactive on Instagram was accused of spreading sexual transmitted diseases through her active sex life.
However, OAU Kilonshele gathered that another handle was opened yesterday that linked itself to the first one after that one became inactive. The newly opened handle which has also been rendered inactive was aiming to continue the purpose of the drumsexofOAU.
Different reactions have trailed the development as some students have praised the idea of sexual bullying while some just think it's completely uncalled for.
However, section 360 of the Nigerian criminal acts states that "any person who unlawfully and indecently assaults a woman or girl is guilty of a misdemeanor, and is liable to imprisonment for 2years."
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