How Students Were Forced To Shut Down the Computer Systems at CBT Despite Having Minutes left for The Exam

A Faculty course, CVE 202 titled Strength of Materials , a core course for most Part 2 Engineering students in the Faculty of Technology, excluding those in Food Science and Electrical and Electronics Engineering that held on Friday 19th July 2024, examination that was scheduled to start at 8am at University ICT centre.

It was gathered that an information was passed by the coordinator who also doubles as the Head of Department of Civil Engineering in the night of July 18th that students must not come with calculator. Few weeks before the exam, the coordinator before informed the students that the exam will be CBT and the exam is an hour and it is 30 questions.

Students offering course complained bitterly about non-use of calculator to newly elected Students Union President, Dr Bush.

On the day of exam, students converge at the ICT centre for the exam (ICT) to take the exam but some students with calculator were denied access to enter into the exam hall, while those not with calculator were allowed to enter.

Students protested against the decision of the course coordinator not to bring calculator to the exam hall for about an hour. After some minutes, Dr. Bush arrived at the ICT centre and appealed to the Lecturer to allow students enter the exam hall with their calculator.t Students were then allowed to take their calculator to the exam hall but the time was reduced to 40 minutes against the initial 1 hour.

Despite that the time was reduced to 40 minutes, some set of students reported they were not allowed to used up the 40 mins, students were instructed to shut down while they're doing the exam and their time is not up. They are collecting mouse to shut down from students who refused to shut down.

Some sets of students that entered the exam hall without calculator were allowed to use 1 hour. It was learnt that some students were unable to do the exam or were denied access to take the exam.

"The woman informed us through our class rep night before the CVE202 exam that we won't be allow to enter the exam hall with calculator but we thought it was a joke because we think how's it possible for a course which is majorly calculations. I was also instructed to shut down the system when I have only attempted 13 questions out if 30 and still have about 15 minutes left, I just had to choose answer randomly for the remaining questions. Even some were unable to do the exam" . A Part 2 Students of Computer Science and Engineering said.

"The initial time for the exam is 1 hour but it was reduced to 40 mins, after some minutes I entered the exam hall and still have about 15 minutes left out of 40 minutes given, they instructed us to shut down and our time is not up yet. To my surprise, one woman collected mouse from me and shut down for me". A Part 2 students of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering student said.

" We were instructed not to bring calculator a night before the exam but we think it was a joke for a course which is majorly calculations. We get to the exam hall and were denied to enter because we want to enter with calculator. Then all of us protested for about an hour and the Students Union then came to meet the course coordinator and appealed to her but the time was reduced to 40 minutes from the initial an hour. Although some students that entered without calculator before the Students Union President came used an hour". A Part 2 student of Aerospace Engineering said.


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