OAUTHC Unpaid Staff Voice Concerns, Demand Action

Abdulbasit Abdulkareem

Samson Falope, speaking on behalf of the unpaid staff of the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC) in Ile-Ife, Osun State, delivered a resolute message on Sunday, 11th February 2024. He highlighted the association's congress' key grievances and resolutions regarding recent developments within the institution.

He expressed deep concern over what they perceive as an erosion of OAUTHC's identity under the leadership of CMD Prof. Okeniyi. They cited instances of anonymous releases and counter-releases regarding critical matters such as the "suitability test." The absence of official letterhead paper and the prevalence of unsigned memos have fueled suspicions, prompting the staff to question the legitimacy of information emanating from the institution.

Furthermore, the staff vehemently opposed the proposed suitability test by the CMD, Prof. Okeniyi, asserting its incompatibility with Nigerian labor laws. They advised members to distance themselves from the venue and instead resume their duties at their respective offices as deemed necessary.

In a cautionary message directed at various stakeholders, including government authorities and community leaders, he warned against alleged attempts to destabilize the institution and the community at large. Prof. Okeniyi and other implicated individuals were accused of resorting to tactics involving fake security personnel and miscreants to disrupt peace and progress within the area.

Urging swift action, he appealed to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to intervene in the matter. Specifically, he called upon the president to instruct the CMD, through the Honorable Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Prof. Ali Pate, to halt the implementation of purportedly destructive plans. The call for intervention stems from a circular issued on 31st January 2024, allegedly resulting in the dismissal of over 1500 staff members.

In response to the unfolding situation, the staff directed all affected OAUTHC workers to refrain from participating in any tests and instead return to their designated duty posts on Monday, 11th February 2024. Members were urged to remain vigilant and await further directives from the association's leadership.

Recall that in an earlier report by OAU Kilonshele, the Management of the Hospital Complex terminated the employment of 2000 individuals due to Allegations of fraudulent activities related to job racketeering between 2022 and 2023, which have compounded tensions among affected staff members.


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