On OAU, Life Opportunities and Taking Chances by Akin David

David Adejumo

Haphazard completion of a 4 hour night rest that broke into a sunny morning, singing birds filling the atmosphere with the joy in their melodious pitches, another bright day, another chance....We move!

It was at C.A.L.L (Career Advancement In Law And Leadership) conference 2019, but it wasn't the Law part that prompted my being there. It was more of the Leadership part - Having friends like Joe Ajibade (A TEDx OAU ambassador, and a clinical year Dental student) and Daniel Olubunmi  (Head Of Operations, OAU Events and student politician in the department of Medical Rehabilitation, OAU)  has influenced me positively I guess. 

"The African time Factor at play again!" I seemed to think out loud, but the half-cold-half-warm reception from the slim, tender looking usher, uniformed in black with a touch of deep brown gave me something else to keep my thoughts busy with. She looked gentle - perhaps, a Deeper lifer - the only difference being that she had her hair made in weaves.

A programme scheduled for 9 or 10 has just been pronounced as "let's hope we will start before 11:30" and I knew better than to sit there on the evenly cushioned blue coloured chair in the New MOOT and MOCK Hall offered to me, being idle, doing nothing. I took out my notepad. A journalist can get a story anywhere, anytime, right?

So I settled to write. To write about our conventional attitude to things, opportunities like this that we all take for granted. How we  take lightly once in a lifetime opportunities to hear great achievers in all walks of life impart life altering insights and school of thoughts....
Then I saw her..
A long, lost crush. She was smiling lovingly. She was lovable, adorable. May be, she doesn't even remember my name. We talked just once - or never sef.

She isn't the regular Law student to be tied down to wearing a black skirt and a white shirt. Was she in black and white? Yes. But it was in all fashion. She looked beautiful. Made me imagine, for once, that I wasn't studying to be a Doctor, but law - to be with her.

Ehmm.. You can't blame me much. I've been in a college, where not many girls care about crushes or such likes, too long.

Back to business now; to resume writing, because for a while, Akin David wasn't entirely Akin David. Man was mesmerized by the reckless beauty of some law student.

And then I sighted Miss Deeper Lifer dancing ZANKU to the Hip Hop jam blasting out of the loudspeaker. Eh Eh! It was enchanting. She dey feel gbedu like this Ehn..  Don't trust gentle looking girls oh, my people.

As journalists, we look for stories everywhere and anywhere it can be found. I wasn't to find it here as I had an Anatomy practical scheduled for the day. If they had ran the program according to the initially proposed schedule, I could have had the chance to hear one of the special adviser to the president of the federation speak. Perhaps, it wasn't meant to be. And maybe God's plan was for me to feed my eyes with some of his special creatures.. Not the keynote speakers.

On a concluding note, I feel that as students here, we're missing a whole lot from nonchalance and indifference to opportunities like this. Juxtaposing the apparent efforts of the faculty of law in bringing this quality programme into an annual reality, the calibre of people ready to impart and the amount of students that turned out, it's little or nothing to write home about. A bad match.

Long story short, see, self empowerment isn't something that can be gotten on a platter of gold, sitting in the confinement of the four walls. Take initiative. Build yourself up. Conferences like the C.A.A.L, and all others like it on campus are opportunities you won't get at such luxury after graduation. Take advantage of these things and grow in exposure. Grow intellectually. It's not enough to grow in beauty or handsomeness. Be excellent. Be a leader. Seek for advancement and contend for higher knowledge. Exposure is a vital aspect of building yourself up. Read books. Read the news. Stay charged up. Favour is when opportunity meets preparation!
And as for that law student, I'm coming for ya! This single life must end this semester!

PS: The Lag in the time frame of commencement of the program was clarified later in a brief interview with the president of the Law students' association. It was as a result of a mild problem with the logistics in bringing in the keynote speaker.


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