All-round tips to attaining success this exam period

All-round tips to attaining success in this exam period
A must read

1. Maximize your day: Make sure to maximize your day to the fullest, avoid unnecessary habits like hosting with roommates or friend for a long period or even at all

2. Make a plan of your day: This would help you maximize your day, draw out a plan of how you would spend your day and make sure you adhere strictly to the plan.

3. Make use of the library: Many students read at the comfort of their bed even when they know its not working for them. Some do that because their friends are doing so or probably laziness. Live and read out of your comfort zone(your bed).

4. Sleep well but avoid sleeping too much: Don't sleep for below 4hours in a day, it would affect you, trust me and don't let the sleep become too much. A student should sleep an average of 6hours this period of examination,by that your body relaxes and gets prepared for the next day

5. Imbibe healthy eating habits: We derive energy from food which helps us in reading. We should learn not just to eat anything but to eat healthy and good food. We should avoid heavy meals like eating Eba and Egusi for breakfast, those kind of food would only make us sleep more. We should eating nourishing foods which would keep us alert for the day.

6. Read your note back to back: In OAU particularly, your note is very very important even more than that textbook or past question. Most times, lecturers don't ask anything outside their note, we only consult textbook to gain more knowledge on what is not clear and past question to know the pattern with which the questions are asked. Take your note very important. If possible, read it up to 5 times before the examination

7. Avoid unnecessary meetings that would take most of your day: This is not the period to start meeting up with someone somewhere. Like I said earlier, maximize your day

8. Don't forget the place of prayer: The place of prayer is very very important, prayer works. Just do your best,I mean BEST, pray to God and you would have a successful examination.
      Wish you success in your examination

                  Ajao Oreoluwa Elizabeth


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