Where Did OAU Bats Go?
Miracle Elvis
The million birds across OAU sky are nowhere to be found.
One of the many things you find remarkable coming into OAU is the bats. Fondly, students say that a bat represents one student on the OAU campus. Personally, I named one after me and sometimes scream up at the sky and imagine it (the bat) soaring down at me. It never has though.
But, recently the bats have gone missing, and it comes as a question of surprise. Where have they gone?
In finding answers to the above, a few students gave their opinions. Some say it's the incessant rainfall these days. However, people argue that in the past even in rainy times like this, the bats were still very around. More interestingly, another group of people says it the evidence of revival on the campus. Quite 'very-spiritual' students on campus opined that the bats have spiritual representations which aren't good for the campus, the rise of spiritual revival on campus has led to their extermination.
The last group of people says that a myth goes thus, 'If you see the bats as an aspirant, it means OAU accepts you.' The implication being that since there are no more aspirants due to the delay in admission processes and students' intakes, the bats have gone on vacation and would return when OAU starts taking in students.
It's okay if you think you have an opinion different from all of these, but the truth is you didn't notice.
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